Queen - Sheer Heart Attack Album

Queen - Sheer Heart Attack Album Cover

Queen - Sheer Heart Attack Album
Track List:

  1. Brighton Rock
  2. Killer Queen
  3. Tenement Funster
  4. Flick of the Wrist
  5. Lily of the Valley
  6. Now I'm Here
  7. In the Lap of the Gods
  8. Stone Cold Crazy
  9. Dear Friends
  10. Misfire
  11. Bring Back That Leroy Brown
  12. She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettos)
  13. In the Lap of the Gods… Revisited
Artist : Queen
Release : 1 November 1974
Album Title : Sheer Heart Attack
Genre : Rock
Albumscollections.blogspot.com not provide a link to download Queen - Sheer Heart Attack Album. This site only provides info and album information summarized from the official website or the information circulating on the internet about the song, album and artist concerned. All material album, song and the band are copyright of their respective owners. - Admin.